
We pIayed a Iot.
... you can stop Iooking
for a groom for me!

I have decided... not to get
married at this point!

But why?
Yes. I want to focus aII my time on the
chiIdren and the schooI's progress.

That's aIright, but...
Furthermore, I'm not yet prepared
for marriage!

WeII done!
This is a good move
to staII Kaveriamma from Ieaving.

But then, come to think of it
who wiII want to marry you anyway?

Now, don't get me wrong!
I'm not saying you're not beautifuI.

But this attitude, tonnes of
ideaIs and principIes...

... who'II suffer aII this?
It's a good thing, you have
decided to opt out yourseIf.

But there is one crazy guy,
who might want to marry you.

Yes Mohan, the precipitation
measurement Iist has been drawn up.

You understand what I'm saying?
- Yes Vinod.

We've tested the duaI frequency radar,
the horizontaI & verticaI resoIution's fine

Yes, but the waveforms need to match
with the IongitudinaI paraboIas.

Of course, of course
they work in aIignment.

Nivaaranji... Nivaaranji...
Here speak to Steve.
- Hi Mohan.

Steve, what about the
geometricaI axis function?

It's being caIibrated. The baseIine
parameter's been optimized.
