l'm Mela Ram and this is
Mohan Bhargavaji.
Tell me.
Kaveriji and Gitaji have sent me.
lt's about the land's rent.
l understand.
Come in.
You have travelled a long way.
You must be tired. Please rest.
Make some bread.
Run along now.
Please come in.
You really shouldn't have bothered.
How is that possible?
A guest is like God!
We've served what we have;
you eat and then we'II taIk.
If I had the capacity to pay,
I wouId have come to Charanpur myseIf.
Sir, I was a weaver before I
took up farming.
Since the advent of machine
woven fabrics in the market,
weaving had ceased to
be a Iucrative business.
So I became a farmer.
I took Gitaji's Iand on Iease.
I'd imagined, once the crops fIourished
the chiIdren's Iife wouId improve.