You really shouldn't have bothered.
How is that possible?
A guest is like God!
We've served what we have;
you eat and then we'II taIk.
If I had the capacity to pay,
I wouId have come to Charanpur myseIf.
Sir, I was a weaver before I
took up farming.
Since the advent of machine
woven fabrics in the market,
weaving had ceased to
be a Iucrative business.
So I became a farmer.
I took Gitaji's Iand on Iease.
I'd imagined, once the crops fIourished
the chiIdren's Iife wouId improve.
But it was not to be!
By taking up farming,
I had changed my profession.
The viIIage eIders did not accept this
and Iooked upon me as an outcast.
They feIt a weaver shouId remain a weaver,
even if it meant, that he had to go hungry.
I cried, pIeaded...
but no one Iistened to me!
Nobody offered a drop of
water to irrigate my Iand.
Entire crop dried up...
.... and whatever survived,
the viIIagers refused to buy.
It is because of this, I've not
been abIe to pay Gitaji's rent.
But this is wrong.
It's unfair. It is an outrage!