Once things were evened up,
she pulled me off of him.
Good for your Mom.
I salute her.
If more parents took those steps
during child developmental years...
we wouldn't have a country
filled of emotional cripples...
those touchy feely, angst-ing head
cases afraid of their own shadows.
I say "Buck up, baby.
It's cold outside."
I think it's time
for a cab home.
"Annie Hall".
Denzel Washington?
Who could it be?
Julia Roberts?
Darryl Hannah?
Darryl Hannah...
"Blade Runner".
"Blade Runner".
Harrison Ford.
"Star Wars".
James Earl Jones.
James who?
James Earl Jones,
Darth Vader.
You cannot use
Darth Vader.
I can't use Darth Vader?
Of course I can.
No, you cannot. He was a voice,
some computerized echo chamber.
If he's in the credits,
he counts.
He wasn't even on the set when
they were shooting the movie.
Come again?
Bet you any money he was
in Malibu the whole time...
sipping pina coladas by the pool
with some 17-year-old girl.
James Earl Jones?
While some poor slob was sweating
his ass off under the costume.
Afew months later, he throws his
voice and walks out with a check.