and diminishment
of the environment
for our grandchildrens
generations not yet born.
Some people have called that
intergeneration tyranny
a form of taxation
without representation
levied by us
on generations yet to be.
It's the wrong
thing to do.
One of the questions
that comes up periodically
is to what extent could
corporation be considered
to be psychopathic.
And if we look at a corporation
as a legal person
that it may not be that
difficult to actually draw
the transition between
psychopathy in the individual
to psychopathy
in a corporation.
We could go through
the characteristics
that define this particular
disorder one by one
and see how they might
apply to corporations.
They would have all
the characteristics
and in fact
in many respects
the corporation
of that sort
is the proto typical
of a psychopath.
If the dominant institution
of our time has been created
in the image of
a psychopath
who bears moral responsibility
for its actions?
Can a building have
moral opinions?
Can a building have
social responsibility?
If a building cant have
social responsibility
what does it mean to
say a corporation can?
A corporation is simply
an artificial legal structure
but the people
who are engaged in it
whether the stockholder
whether the
executives in it
whether the employees
they all have
moral responsibilities.