They would have all
the characteristics
and in fact
in many respects
the corporation
of that sort
is the proto typical
of a psychopath.
If the dominant institution
of our time has been created
in the image of
a psychopath
who bears moral responsibility
for its actions?
Can a building have
moral opinions?
Can a building have
social responsibility?
If a building cant have
social responsibility
what does it mean to
say a corporation can?
A corporation is simply
an artificial legal structure
but the people
who are engaged in it
whether the stockholder
whether the
executives in it
whether the employees
they all have
moral responsibilities.
It's a fair assumption
that every human being
real human beings
flesh and
blood ones
not corporations
but every flesh and blood
human being is a moral person.
You know we've
got the same genes
we're more or less
the same
but our nature
the nature of humans
allows all kinds
of behaviour.
I mean everyone of us
under some circumstances
could be a gas chamber
attendant and a saint.
No job in my experience
with Goodyear
has been as frustrating
as the CEO job.
Because even though
the perception is
that you have absolute power
to do whatever you want
the reality is
you dont have that power
and so metes if you had
really free hand
if you really did what
you wanted to do
that suits your
personal thoughts
and your personal priorities
youd act differently.