The Corporation

By the time you go to bed
you've probably received

eight or nine different
undercover messages.

People are always thinking
well oh I know
product placement.

That’s when they
put stuff in movies!

Well yes kind of.
I mean that’s definitely
traditional product placement.

But real life product
placement is just that:

Placing stuff in movies but
the movie’s actually your life

Well take a group
of attainable

but still
inspirational people

they are not supermodels
they are kind of
people just like you

they’re doing
something for us

whether they are having
a certain kind of drink

or they are using
a certain laundry detergent

whatever it may be.
They are kind of the
roach motel if you will

People are going
to come over to them

and they are
going to give them

this little piece
of brand bait.

It could be a sound bite
of knowledge or a ritual.

Consumers will get that
piece of roach bait

then they
would take it.

Oh pretty cool!
Then they go out and
spread it to their friends.

If you want to be critical
if you want to go through
your life like that

sure be critical
of every single person

that walks up to you.
But if they are showing
you something that fits

and something that works
and something that makes
your life better in some way

well then who cares.
We again
just say thanks!

Today the job of building
this nation geographically

is completed.
There are no new frontiers
within or borders.

So to what new horizons
can we look now?

Where are tomorrows

What's ahead for you
for your children?

The frontiers of the
future are not on any map.

They’re in the test
tubes and laboratories

of the great industries.
The Chakrabarty case is one of
the great judicial moments

in world history.
And the public
was totally unaware

it was actually happening as
a process was being engaged.

General Electric
and Professor Chakrabarty

went to the patent office
with a little microbe
