The Day After Tomorrow

This morning's weather staff meeting
has been moved to level four, room B.

I know you're good at rubbing peopIe
the wrong way. . .

. . .but why wouId you aggravate
the vice president?

Because my 1 7-year-oId kid
knows more science than he does.

Your 1 7-year-oId kid
does not controI our budget.

-Who cares if he hates you.
-My son doesn't hate me.

If Raymond Becker puIIs our budget--
-Oh, shit!
-Wait-- WiII you--? Jack.

Oh, my God.
-I'm sorry I'm Iate.
-Dad, the cab's aIready here.

That's okay. I'II take care of it.
-What are--?
-Here you go.

I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.
-Do you want to hear my side of it?
-How can there be two sides?

I got every question right on the finaI.
Mr. SpengIer faiIed me. . .

-. . .because I didn't write the soIutions.
-Why not?

I do them in my head.
-Did you teII him that?
-I did. He didn't beIieve me.

He said if he can't do them in his head,
I'm cheating.

RidicuIous. How can he faiI you
for being smarter than he is?

That's what I said.
You did?
-How'd he take it?
-He fIunked me, remember?

Oh, yeah.
Sam, I'm sorry.
I jumped to concIusions.

I'm gonna caII this guy
and have a word with him.

We'II straighten this out.
Hey, you can't park there.
-Don't worry about it.

