The Day After Tomorrow

It's been a madhouse here. Come on.
Are you sure about this?
It works.
I Iove that picture.
Yeah, so do I.
Where was that taken?
WeII, where was I?
I don't remember that trip.

Sam and I went with my sister.
You were in AIaska. . .

. . .doing research on your doctorate.
Remember what he was Iike
when he was that age?

Everything was ""one more. ""
One more bedtime story. One more ride
on my shouIders. ""One more, Daddy. ""

Jack. Sam's on the phone. Line four.

-Where are you? Are you all right?
-I'm aII right. We're at the PubIic Library.

-It's Mom. I'm so happy you're okay.

Can you caII Laura and Brian's parents
and teII them we're aII right?

Yes, of course.
-Sam, what's that noise?

What is going on out there, Dad?
Sam. Sam, Iisten to me.
Listen very carefuIIy.
Forget what I said about heading south.
It's too Iate.
The storm is gonna get worse.

It'll turn into a massive blizzard with an
eye in the center like a huge hurricane.

OnIy the air wiII be so coId,
you couId freeze to death in seconds.

-WeII, what shouId we do?
-Listen to me, son.

Do not go outside.
Burn what you can to stay warm,
and try to wait it out.

I wiII come for you. Do you
understand me? I wiII come for you.
