-Sam, come back!
Sam, did you hear me?
Did you hear me?
-TeII me he's gonna be okay--
-He's gonna be aII right.
He's gonna be aII right,
you understand?
I thought you'd drowned.
Let's find some dry cIothes for you.
Come on.
Where'd you store the arctic gear?
You can't make it to New York, Jack.
I've waIked that far before in the snow.
This is not the same.
Jack, this is not the same.
Lucy, teII him.
I have to do this.
I know.
My hands are shak--
-That's okay. Here.
Here. Come here.
What are you doing?
I'm using my body heat to warm you.
If we Iet the bIood
from your arms and Iegs. . .
. . .rush back to your heart
too quickIy. . .
. . .your heart couId faiI.