Quietly and anonymously continuing
to make the world a better place.
Denied? You're denying my claim?
I don't understand,
I have full coverage.
I'm sorry, but our liability
is spelled out in paragraph 1 7.
I'm sorry, but our liability
is spelled out in paragraph 1 7.
- It states clearly...
- I can't pay for this.
Excuse me. Claims, Bob Parr.
I'm calling to celebrate
a momentous occasion.
We're now officially moved in.
That's great, honey. The last
three years don't count because...?
Because I finally unpacked the last box.
Now, it's official.
- Why do we have so much junk?
- Listen, I've got a client.
Say no more. Go save the world
one policy at a time.
I gotta go pick up the kids.
See you tonight.
Bye, honey.
Excuse me. Where were we?
I'm on a fixed income,
and if you can't help me,
I don't know what I'll do.
Listen closely.
I'd like to help you, but I can't.
I'd like to say take a copy of
your policy to Norma Wilcox on...
Norma Wilcox. W-I-L-C-O-X.
On the third floor. But I can't.
I also do not advise you
to fill out and file a WS2475 form
with our legal department
on the second floor.
I wouldn't expect someone
to resolve the matter quickly.
I'd like to help,
but there's nothing I can do.
- Thank you, young man.
- I'm sorry, ma'am. I know you're upset.
Pretend to be upset.
Parr. You authorized payment
on the Walker policy.
Someone broke into their house, Mr Huph.
- Their policy covers...
- I don't wanna know.
Don't tell me about coverage. Tell me
how you keep Insuricare in the black.
How's that possible, with you writing
cheques to every Harry Hardluck
that gives you a phone call.
Morning break is over.