The Ladykillers

Soon l will be done
with the troubles of this world

l'm goin' home to live with God
Well, l'm goin' up to see King Jesus
Hey, hey, yeah!

l'm gonna shake His loving hand
l'm gonna tell Him all about my trouble
As l'm travelin' through this land!
Oh, soon l will be done
Troubles of this world
Yeah, soon l will be done
l'm goin' home to live with God
Yeah, soon l will be done
with the troubles of this world

Troubles of this world
Yeah, soon l will be done
with the troubles, yeah

l'm goin' home to live with God
Ain't that somethin'!

- l,B,S,
- You be what?

lrritable Bowel Syndrome!
ls there a men's room down here?

Oh, come on, You shouldn't be usin'
the men's room now!

Or a lady's room, Quickly,

lf you knew you had the runs,
why didn't you shit back at the house?

We don't want Elron finding
your stinkin' ass on the crapper!

No choice,
lt's a medical condition, Quickly!

You one disgustin' individual,
you know that?

Come on,
Follow me,


l feel 30 pounds lighter,
- Come the fuck on with your stinkass,
- Thank you for being so understanding,

Not everyone is, of course, which is why
the biggest challenge of l,B,S,
