Madame Yen has given me
the most appalling list.
No, no. I personally guarantee it.
He is ready to be turned over
to his American operator.
And I, being personally responsible
for Soviet security
in the entire Eastern seaboard
of the United States,
refuse to turn him over to his operator
until at least one practical test
has been run.
You say
the man has been built as an assassin.
Very well, then.
Let him assassinate someone.
I'm shocked that a security officer
with the responsibility you hold
would risk a mechanism as valuable
as Raymond out of sheer nervousness.
You yourself admit the man
has not killed for over two years.
I assure you, Doctor,
conditions offering minimum risk
can be arranged.
All right. If you insist on this foolishness,
have him kill one of your people in here.
I would, I would gladly.
But our table of organisation
is under acceptable strength.
Why can't we be reasonable about this?
Why can't he kill some non-productive
person on the outside?
Very well, then.
But for his own protection, he must be
instructed that if he is ever,
at any time, discovered
at the scene of an assignment,
this other person, or persons,
must also be killed.
All right. All right, Doctor!
Whom do you think he should kill?
With humour, my dear Zilkov!
Always with a little humour.
If kill we must for a better New York,
why should it not be...
his superior at the newspaper, Mr...
Holborn Gaines?
With Mr Gaines out of the way,
might he not then be given
that very influential job himself?