The Terminal

This is the International
Transit Lounge.

You are free to wait here.
These are food vouchers.

You can use them in the Food Court.
Your Krakozhian money is no good here.

This is a 15-minute,
prepaid calling card.

You may call home, if you like.
This, in case we need to contact you,
is a pager.

You must keep this
with you at all times.

Here is an ID badge for you
to get into CBP. Beyond those doors...

Mr. Navorski.
I'm going to need you to look at me.

Beyond those doors is American soil.
Mr. Dixon wants me to make it clear
that you are not
to enter through those doors.

You are not to leave this building.
America is closed.

America closed.
What I do?
There's only one thing
you can do here, Mr. Navorski.

Passengers of flight 854
New York/Warsaw...

... the international community
tries to secure a peaceful resolution.

The populace has to wonder if
they will ever find political stability,

or find the leadership to secure
their place on the world stage.

And next this hour,
looking to buy a 90-foot yacht?

... taken hostage. We're hearing
that the Vice President has been killed

along with four cabinet members,
13 inijured soldiers and 20 civilians.

By dawn, rebel leaders
had surrounded the state houses.

In a symbolic gesture, the national flag
of Krakozhia was torn down

from the Presidential Palace
and the parliament building.
