United Airlines announcingthe arrival of Flight 9435 from Beiijing.
Customer service representative,report to Gate C42.
All visitors to the US shouldline up at booths one through 15.
Please have your l-94 forms filled out.
- What's the purpose of your visit?- What is the purpose of your visit?
What is the purpose of your visit?Business or pleasure?
Just visiting. Shopping?
Au plaisir.
- Pleasure.- Business.
How long will you be staying?
Could I see your return ticket?
- What's the purpose of your visit?- Business or pleasure?
Enjoy your stay. Next.
Please have your passports,immigration forms, l-94,
and customs declarationsready to hand to the inspector.
- Stand by. He's fishing.- Copy that.
See this bunchof Mickey Mouse sweatshirts?
That's the tour from China,connecting to Orlando.
When was the last timeyou saw Chinese tourists
on their way to Disney Worldwithout any cameras?
Possible forged documentson 10 and 11.