It was getting light, as it was 5 or 6.
And I started screaming
Simon's name again.
I got myself up, got dressed inside the
snow home and packed everything away,
Just a horrible feeling of dread.
By this stage, I strongly felt that
Joe had been killed the previous day.
And that now I was going to
die, as some form of retribution.
But rather than just sit here,
feeling sorry for myself or whatever,
"I'll get on with it and
I'll die on the way down".
Very quickly, the ground
dropped away steeply.
So I skirted around this
area of steeper ground.
As I abseiled down, I could
see this overhanging ice cliff,
which was what I had lowered him over,
so I knew that he'd had
actually been hanging in space,
which is the reason he couldn't
get his weight off the rope.
And as I went down lower,
I could see to my horror,
that the base of this ice cliff
was an absolutely enormous crevice,
that's 12m wide and just bottomless
from where I was looking at it.
He would have been up with
first light, I thought.
'Cause I was desperately,
desperately thirsty.