Touching the Void

Very quickly, the ground
dropped away steeply.

So I skirted around this
area of steeper ground.

As I abseiled down, I could
see this overhanging ice cliff,

which was what I had lowered him over,
so I knew that he'd had
actually been hanging in space,

which is the reason he couldn't
get his weight off the rope.

And as I went down lower,
I could see to my horror,

that the base of this ice cliff
was an absolutely enormous crevice,

that's 12m wide and just bottomless
from where I was looking at it.

He would have been up with
first light, I thought.

'Cause I was desperately,
desperately thirsty.

And he would have been. And he would
have wanted to get down, and get water.

And he would have wanted to find me.
Now I did stop and pause, and I
shouted across into the crevice,

and I yelled and yelled, "Joe, Joe".
And I suppose again, with
the benefit of hindsight,

after I got off the rope, I
should have gone and looked,

into the crevice, to see where he was.
But to be quite honest, the thought
didn't occur to me at that time.

I was just convinced he was dead.
Absolutely convinced, by 10, totally
convinced, that I was on my own.

That no one was coming to get me.
I was brought up as a devout Catholic.
