Untergang, Der

We must try everything.
Berlin is almost surrounded.

You're still young.
You'll be a father soon.

Do you want to die here?
-Absolutely not.

Gentlemen, the Führer.
Everything out. Quickly.
We're leaving in two hours.

What's going on?
-We're leaving.

'Clausewitz' has started.
All the ministries and departments
are leaving Berlin.

And who's going to look after
the people and the soldiers?

Don't ask me, professor.
-This is insane.

I won't allow the
evacuation of my office.

Is that so?
-Food supply would collapse.

A good soldier can
always find food.

And when there's fighting all over the city,
where does he get it? The population.

It's irresponsible.
-It's an order from the Führer.

As department head, I
report to the SS and to Himmler.

But as a doctor, I'm part of the Wehrmacht
and they're not leaving yet.

Keep that in mind.
The professor stays in Berlin.
Get him the proper papers.
