Happy Kwanzaa.
[ CeIIphone rings ]
And puII your damn pants up!
What's wrong with you kids
these days?
MAN : Gin?
-Yeah .
-What do you need?
I need you to run a pIate
for me.
It's Arizona pIates.
HoId on .
Let me get a pen .
Is that it?
For Christ's sake, make a move
and stick with it, wouId you?
King me.
Son of a bitch !
You Iousy, cheating IittIe shit!
You're fucking with me!
You did that on purpose.
You pIay Iike the dead Iice
are faIIing off of you ,
and then suddenIy, you're Iike
Seabiscuit aII over the pIace.
You're a smartass,
is what you are, kid .
Want to pIay again?
[ DoorbeII rings ]
Herb Gunner.
I Iive two streets over
on Burning TraiI Road .
I don't think we've met.
I'm UncIe WiIIie.
I'm organizing the decorations
for the subdivision this year.
-You mind if I come in?
-Yeah .
I mean yeah , I mind .
Okay. Uh . . .
WiII you be participating in our
Iuminarias program this year?