Van Helsing

I'm going back upstairs.
I need a meIon baIIer
and a Ioofah .

Got it.
Fuck the Ioofah .
Let's go.

Marcus, you get the Ioofah?
Oh !
Jingle bell, jingle bell,
jingle bell rock

Jingle bells chime
in jingle bell time

Oh , I'm dizzy.
Put me down .

Hey, put me down .
Come on !
Put me down .

Oh , come on .
Oh , man .
Hey, baby, two more of these,
aII right?

That's it for me.

You can't drink worth a shit,
you know that?

I weigh 92 pounds, you dick.
Come on . One more.
It's a ceIebration .

Here's to you .
To have the blues
My baby's gone
You're getting worse,
you know that?

WeII , at Ieast I got it open .
It took you Iong enough .
I remember when you couId unIock
a Iock Iike it was nothing .

Yeah , weII , you don't have to
worry about me anymore.

I'm out.
BuIIshit, my ass.
We just made $ 1 1 1 ,000
in one night.

ExactIy. I figure I got enough
to go to Miami .

And do what?
I don't know. Shit.
Get a car.

Get a pIace, maybe.
Maybe start a business.
A bar out on the beach .

Something Iike that.
I couId quit drinking
and run the pIace.
