Van Helsing

I weigh 92 pounds, you dick.
Come on . One more.
It's a ceIebration .

Here's to you .
To have the blues
My baby's gone
You're getting worse,
you know that?

WeII , at Ieast I got it open .
It took you Iong enough .
I remember when you couId unIock
a Iock Iike it was nothing .

Yeah , weII , you don't have to
worry about me anymore.

I'm out.
BuIIshit, my ass.
We just made $ 1 1 1 ,000
in one night.

ExactIy. I figure I got enough
to go to Miami .

And do what?
I don't know. Shit.
Get a car.

Get a pIace, maybe.
Maybe start a business.
A bar out on the beach .

Something Iike that.
I couId quit drinking
and run the pIace.

Maybe marry a waitress.
You ain't gonna do shit
except go down there

and drink your fucking ass off.
You're gonna piss
everything away

and end up counting the days
tiII next Christmas.

You'd Iike that, wouIdn't you?
WeII , it ain't gonna happen .
If I caII you next December --
if I caII you next December --
you're gonna be so happy
to hear from me

you're gonna do
a goddamn backfIip.

You're gonna put
that Santa hat on so fast

that you're gonna get
fucking hat-burn .

Can I get you guys two more?
No, thanks.
We're aII right.

I'm aIready on the wagon .
