Van Helsing

it's not for
the American peopIe to say.

Yeah , right.
But when you're deaIing
with chiIdren . . .

They have a tender sensibiIity.
And you are in a position
of trust.

I think perhaps someone who has
screaming orgasms

with Iarge women shouIdn't. . .
Yeah .
Of course,
I can't fire him for that.

Oh , yeah .
Unfair practices.

SpeciaI pIeading .
Bitch , bitch , bitch .

Fucking broads.
But I just can't heIp it.
There's something about the guy
that makes me uneasy.

WeII , sure.
Santa fucking someone
in the ass.

-So. . .
-[ Coughs ]

Maybe there's something
I couId fire him for.

Yeah , I get you .
Do you?
Do you think
you couId find something?

Shit, yeah .
There's aIways something .

[ GuIps ]
[ GIass cIinking ]
Hey, OpaI .
Come here.

Unh-unh .
Screw you , WiIIie,
your kinky ass.

Last time I didn't shit right
for a week.

No, it's not that.
I need to taIk to you .

[ Sighs ]
I'm just tired of you , WiIIie.

Ooh .
Who the fuck is in my room?
Did you see somebody
go in my room?

Yeah .
Some guy asking about you .

Looked Iike a cop.
Oh , shit.
[ RattIing ]
Marcus, it's WiIIie.
I just got back to the moteI .
Some guy is nosing around
in my room .
