Becky. How could I not?
That little devil brings mischief
wherever she goes.
She killed her husband.
He died of tropical fever.
You can hardly lay that at her door.
Can't I?
They took her son from her.
Rawdon took the boy away
because cats are better mothers.
And what do you know of motherhood?
You have no child.
Don't I know it?
And if I have any authority
in this house...
You have none, sir.
Who do you think you are?
My father?
My husband?
You're right.
I know what your heart
is capable of.
It can cling faithfully
to a misty memory
and cherish a dream,
but it cannot recognize
or return a love like mine.
- L-I have been your friend.
- No.
You have allowed me
to be your friend.
We have spent enough of our lives
at this play, Amelia.
Let this end.
We are both weary of it.
When his cousin died, I knew
Rawdy would spend his life
at Queen's Crawley.
He belongs there.
But you must see him.
Why don't you?
Does LadyJane prevent it?
No. Jane would not
keep me from him.