Guess that changes our relationship
a bit, huh?
You should not have come
looking for trouble.
Keep your hands up.
Get out of the vehicle now, Chris.
- Step back, please.
- Just move toward the front of the car.
Put your hands on the hood.
I advise you to give this offer
more than a little serious thought.
If you go to trial, you stand to do 18 years.
Now, this is a sweetheart plea.
Normally they wouldn't even
put it on the table...
but your military record can't be ignored.
Three months home arrest,
some community service...
- pretty generous offer, Chris.
- But I'd have to plead guilty.
Look at it from the other side.
There's over a dozen witnesses,
none of whom will paint a flattering picture.
- He started busting up the machines.
- There was a gunshot.
- He just went crazy.
- A complete psychopath.
They're only offering me this deal
just to keep me quiet.
I still say you should take it.
I wasn't wrong. And I won't say I was.