Walking Tall

Keep your hands up.
Get out of the vehicle now, Chris.

- Step back, please.
- Just move toward the front of the car.

Put your hands on the hood.
I advise you to give this offer
more than a little serious thought.

If you go to trial, you stand to do 18 years.
Now, this is a sweetheart plea.
Normally they wouldn't even
put it on the table...

but your military record can't be ignored.
Three months home arrest,
some community service...

- pretty generous offer, Chris.
- But I'd have to plead guilty.

Look at it from the other side.
There's over a dozen witnesses,
none of whom will paint a flattering picture.

- He started busting up the machines.
- There was a gunshot.

- He just went crazy.
- A complete psychopath.

They're only offering me this deal
just to keep me quiet.

I still say you should take it.
I wasn't wrong. And I won't say I was.
Our job is to keep order.
There was no chance
of that once he came in.

Me and my men,
we were just trying to control him.

He's highly trained, violent.
A very dangerous person.

So violent, so dangerous,
so highly trained...

that he dispatched six
of the casino security staff single-handedly.

Six men, single-handedly.
His weapon of choice,
a simple piece of cedar...

which, in his hands,
became a devastating force with one aim:

To hurt people and destroy property.
He went directly for everything.
He just came in and took over the place.

- You said he broke your arm.
- Yeah, that's correct. My right forearm.

Both bones with a single shot. It was crazy.
Toss a couple of drunks now and then.
