Welcome to Mooseport

[ lrma ]
Uh-huh. Looks like an ambush.

Oh, boy.
- [ Man ] Handy, what are your policies?
- [ All Chattering ]

[ Man ] Mr. President.!
Mr. President.! Comments.!

Folks, l need a word with Mr. Harrison.
Good morning, Handy.

- Good morning, Mr. President.
You got toilet trouble, right?
- Yeah.

Handy, uh, l want to make it clear
that when l asked Miss Mannis out...

l had no idea that you two
had a relationship.

Even though l find it reprehensible for
any man to interfere in an ongoing romance...

Me too.
[ Chuckling ]

l also believe that a woman's heart
is hers and hers alone to give.

Ah. Yeah. That's a good point.
So, l asked Sally out in ignorance...

and she agreed to go.
And until she tells me to stand down,
l intend to see her.

- Fair?
- Call him a horndog!

- [ Man ] Did she say ""horndog''?
- Well, uh--

lf it's okay with you, sir,
l'd like to chew on that a bit.

Okay. Okay, you chew on that...
and, um...
if you find that you can't swallow it,
you let me know...

and l'll give you
the Heimlich maneuver, okay?

- [ All Laughing ]
- Very good, sir.

Come on in here
and fix these toilets.

- [ Woman ] So are we going to
see a date, Mr. President?
- Where are you taking her?

l don't know what you're gonna see.
Thank you so much.

- [ Sighs ]
- Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

- l'm in a great mood.
Do we have any ice cream?
- Absolutely, sir.

And l think we found a way
to solve your money problems.

- Really?
- Yes.

- VoilĂ .
-[ Monroe ] That's it?

Nothing to it. You save three million dollars,
and look-- still beautiful.

Excellent, excellent.
Don't even miss it.

- Okay, everybody. Let's get back to work.
- Right away, sir.

Son of a bitch!
