Welcome to Mooseport

Okay. Okay, you chew on that...
and, um...
if you find that you can't swallow it,
you let me know...

and l'll give you
the Heimlich maneuver, okay?

- [ All Laughing ]
- Very good, sir.

Come on in here
and fix these toilets.

- [ Woman ] So are we going to
see a date, Mr. President?
- Where are you taking her?

l don't know what you're gonna see.
Thank you so much.

- [ Sighs ]
- Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

- l'm in a great mood.
Do we have any ice cream?
- Absolutely, sir.

And l think we found a way
to solve your money problems.

- Really?
- Yes.

- VoilĂ .
-[ Monroe ] That's it?

Nothing to it. You save three million dollars,
and look-- still beautiful.

Excellent, excellent.
Don't even miss it.

- Okay, everybody. Let's get back to work.
- Right away, sir.

Son of a bitch!
- [ Door Closes ]
- Plunger,you stay off the couch.!

- Hi there.
- Hello.!

Hey. Hey, it's me. What's up?
Uh... what are you doing?
You wanna go do something?

- You wanna see a movie or something?
- You know l have plans tonight.

l-- Oh, that's right.
That's right. l forgot.

Tonight's the night you got a date
with the president of the United States.

- Uh-huh.
- Did you see this?

""Local vet finds romance
with past president.''

- Eww. Where'd they get that picture?
- Yeah.

There it is next to the president
on the front page.

So what about later? l mean,
he must go to bed at, like, 8:30, right?

So, there's supposed to be a meteor
shower at 1 1 :00. That could be cool.

- lt'll have to be another time.
- [ Pipes Squealing ]

lt's not gonna happen for 2 40 years,
but okay, l'll pencil that in.

l might, uh-- You gotta--
You gotta tighten these.
