Or do you like any of these?
l'm going to Sears tomorrow.
l'm telling you right now.
Oh! Remember these?
Yeah. That we're locking up, okay?
Or you know what?
l could always go with none at all.
l wonder what that would indicate.
Sally. Sally!
Put some pants on!
[ Phone Rings ]
- Hello!
- Handy's Hardware.
- Hello, Pig 'N' Whistle.
- No, this is Handy's Hardware.
Good. l'd like to confirm
a reservation, please.
- You have the wrong number.
- Yes, l know.
For President Monroe Cole.
- Strictly confidential, of course.
- Confidential?
8:00, for two, yes?
Well, l'll be buggered by a bear.
Ah, yes, you will.
Look forward to seeing you there.
[ Dial Tone Hums ]
Move up a little closer.
Can you move that up?
[ Handy ]
This feels wrong. And pushy.
And him making her
his booty poodle isn't?
You have to stop saying that,
- ##[ Classical ]
- Thank you. To new friends.
Lots of'em.
- This way, Mr. President!
- Sorry about the gaggle.
l just can't believe
they hound you like this.
Nah, you get used to it.
They're kind of like pigeons.
You throw 'em a crumb
once in a while. Hello!
- Thank you, sir!
- Hi, Mom.
Out with the president.
- [ Loud Laughing ] Ah, that's great.
- Hmm, hmm, hmm.
- Are we ready yet?
- Uh, l hope you're hungry.
l could eat a horse... radish.
Horseradish. Sally?
Uh, l'm not sure yet.
You go first, Mr. President.
Monroe, please.
- Monroe.
- Let's see. So much to choose from here.
Um... l'll have the baked potato.
- Hmm. All right.
- Sour cream and butter and Baco Bits.
Vegetarian... Baco Bits.
Uh, l'll have the endive salad
and... a T-bone.
- [ Choking ]
- Sometimes you just want a steak, right?