Lots of'em.
- This way, Mr. President!
- Sorry about the gaggle.
l just can't believe
they hound you like this.
Nah, you get used to it.
They're kind of like pigeons.
You throw 'em a crumb
once in a while. Hello!
- Thank you, sir!
- Hi, Mom.
Out with the president.
- [ Loud Laughing ] Ah, that's great.
- Hmm, hmm, hmm.
- Are we ready yet?
- Uh, l hope you're hungry.
l could eat a horse... radish.
Horseradish. Sally?
Uh, l'm not sure yet.
You go first, Mr. President.
Monroe, please.
- Monroe.
- Let's see. So much to choose from here.
Um... l'll have the baked potato.
- Hmm. All right.
- Sour cream and butter and Baco Bits.
Vegetarian... Baco Bits.
Uh, l'll have the endive salad
and... a T-bone.
- [ Choking ]
- Sometimes you just want a steak, right?
- Yeah.
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Martha ] No turning back. Get in there.!
- Hey, hold on a minute.
- [ lrma ] Why can't we go in?
- [ Guard ] Ma'am?
- All right. Okay. Okay. All right. All right.
- Go on!
Hi. Uh, sorry, everybody.
Sorry to interrupt. l was just--
l wanna let everybody know
that l'm gonna be running for mayor.
And l'd appreciate your votes.
So l'll just hand these out, and l'll
get out of your way. Here you go.
[ Man ] l gotta tell you,
l'm voting for the president.
- Hi. Good evening, folks.
lt's a nice night, isn't it?
-[ lrma ] Handy for mayor.
Runnin' for mayor.
Hey, you got yours. Hi. Hi, Shelly. Hi.
Hey,just wanna remind people
that l'm running for mayor.
Yeah, we heard you before.
lnstead of interrupting everybody's dinner,
why don't you two have a debate?
- Debate?
- Yeah. Have a debate.
We're not gonna have a debate. We're not
gonna bother the president with that.
Oh, no, no.
A debate's fine by me.
- [ Man ] There. You see? Yeah.
- Now?
Well, now is not the time
or place, Handy...
but, uh, let's say
the town hall Tuesday night.