There's the old form back.
Hey, what-- what are you doing?
Hey! What's that?
l said one throw.
l didn't say whose ball.
- [ Gasps ]
- You're out of bounds.
Click, click, click.
[ Chuckles ]
Good morning, sir.
Everything all right?
Oh,just dandy.
l'm a 1 0 handicap,
and l shot a 1 42.
You and l have to have a serious talk
about my handicap, Miss Sutherland.
Now, Mr. President?
l heard you broke even.
At least you didn't lose.
The most humiliating round
of my life.
Time to take the gloves off, Bert.
Let's bury this guy.
- Well, sir, he's clean as a whistle.
- Oh, come on.
Surely he did something.
Knocked up a local,
grew marijuana.
Hell, l grew marijuana.
We'll find dirt, Eagle,
even if we have to make it up.
- Exactly.
- l don't believe this.
Mr. President.
[ Clears Throat ]
- l'm giving my notice.
- Your notice?
Yes. l can't work here any longer.
Are you drunk, for God's sakes?
We've been together 1 5 years.
Yes, exactly.
And in all that time you have
never once gone negative.
At least not first.
And you have never, ever stooped
to threats or... harassment.
Grace, he brought in Charlotte.
lf that's not harassment, what is?
Mr. President, you have two days...
two hours and 21 minutes...
until this election is over.
And then l'm gone.
What's that?
l think she quit, sir.