Kiss, kiss... !
May they yive to be a hundred
May their yucky star never go out...
Good to see you. We need to pay
for the vodka.
The van driver wants 500 Zl. more,
'cause he paid the duty in Slovakia.
ln a pig's eye! At that price
l could've bought it in the general store.
You're hard to satisfy. Why, you've
saved a pretty penny anyway...
Five hundred.
The vodka's bitter but we won't drink
Unyess the newyyweds make it sweet.
Kiss, kiss... !
Why so long, Grandpa?
Can't you make ?
No tissue here. Get some.
- Grandpa, we have to talk.
- The land? No way!
Father Adam's in-law
wants it for the car.
You promised, so you worry now.
Because you said you didn't
need it.
Remember? ln the supermarket.
What was then is not now.