ls everybody all right?
My God! Your lip.
My God! Your nose.
Marcus, are you okay?
-l'm cool.
-Baby's in a wreck!
l can't believe...
you think we're going to go to the Hamptons
with my face looking like that.
lt's really not that bad.
Just get some makeup and cover it up.
Put makeup on this?
l am so fricking pissed.
My God, this is like the worst day of my life.
l went to go get my brows done...
and l told her to make me look like J-Lo.
And then that fricking Russian toad
made me look...
like Liza Minnelli or something.
Oh, my God! l'm going to have a B.F.
Wait. What's a B.F.?
She's going to have a bitch fit!
-You better get out of here.
-l am going to call your boss.
-You don't have to do that.
-No, l'll call the owner of the company.
Come on, just take it easy.
Look, we can work this out.
-l'm going to write a letter.
Please don't write a letter.
Look, just calm down.
You guys just stay here.
Stay here the whole weekend.
Do whatever you want. But whatever you do,
do not leave this room.
Don't leave this room, because if you do,
everyone's gonna see those hideous scars.
-My God! Permanent damage.
-My life is over.
lf l lose this job with these good benefits,
Gina's gonna kill me.