You were at Bellucci's on Monday.
Yeah. I was.
What happened to you?
Hang on.
Just a minute!
Look, could I stay at your place
for a couple of days?
-Yeah. of course.
- Great.
Well, I've gotta call Daniel first,
then I'll be right over.
- Okay.
- Bye.
Oh, shit. Get up.
Yeah, I need to probably
move my car, too.
And then I'm going to China tonight.
- China? That's weird.
- Yeah, I know.
You know.
at the restaurant.
Let me give you a call
when I get back. Monday?
I would've bet anything
you were this girl I used to know.
Yeah, sounds good--shut up!
All right, look, here's my card.
Don't wait two years--call me!
But now seeing you here. you don't
really look that much like her at all.
The old shop.
- All right?
- I will, man.
You look good.
That's a nice tie.