Magnificent, aren't they?
God's tears.
It's beautiful.
So are the others.I, uh...
I guess I just...have to make the right decision.
In the end, it's not your eyethat must decide.
Did Rebecca call?
Yeah. She'll be at the restaurantin an hour to take you to the airport.
I put your tickets, passport, andyour new cell phone in your briefcase
and Hong will be therein ten minutes.
Thanks. See you in four days.
The second you land,
those guys are gonna start pokingand prodding to see what you're made of.
Are you sure I'm the right guyfor this, Walter?
I'm no good at this corporate stuff,I hate flying--
and isn't this Bob's thing, anyway?
Bob? Come on, you're gonna be fine.
Just don't eat anythingthat wears a collar,
and if you need me, I'll be on the beachin Cozumel screening my calls.
Look...this is a big break for you.
But I'm giving you this account becauseI think you're the right man for the job.
Besides, you're gonna be a memberof the family soon, right?
Going down, please.
Oh. Matthew, keep awayfrom the bang-bang girls
or Rebecca will kick my ass, all right?