I will. Thank you.
I've got a date.
You got a date?
Yeah, I got a date.
With who?
This actress that came into my shop
a couple weeks ago, and, uh...
God, I like her a lot,
I said I'd meet him tomorrow.
If I don't show up, you know, he'll go nuts.
Anyway, I have to go.
Thanks again, and I'll call you
when I get there, okay?
Are you gonna do it?
Of course.
I love him.
Hey. this is Matthew.
Please leave a message.
Hey. It's me again.
Where are you?
Did you get my letter?
Anyway. I'm in Paris.
I'm at the hotel. You got
the number in my last message.
Matt. please call me.
This is driving me crazy.
I need to speak to you.
Look. if you're angry at me.
then don 't be.
Just call... please.