Wicker Park

so why don't you wait?
Yeah, I'll wait.
Okay. great.
I'll see you soon.

Let me. uh...
Iet me grab your phone number

and I will have him call you
when he gets in.

Um, you know...actually, could you
just tell him to meet me at 3:00?

He'd know where.
Um, I'll be waiting for him.

3:00. Okay.
I--you know what,
it can't be him already,

but I'm expecting him.
Someone's at my front door.
so maybe it is him.

So hold on a second.
Matthew, trust me, okay?
Meet me tomorrow in the park.
Same time.

Yeah. I'm sorry.
It wasn't him. it was someone else.

But I promise you
I will give him your message. Okay?

Oh. Okay. Thank you.
I went to get cigarettes.
What's going on?

Matthew. He didn't leave.
He went back to that girl's house.
The crazy one.

Oh, the plot thickens.
Oh, yeah. It gets even better.
Listen to this.
