We just listened to the music.
It should be like that now.
Just listen to the song, man.
This song is so uncool.
- Well, I like it. It soothes me.
- Dan, what is wrong with you?
I'm blessed with good taste.
One day, you'll see,
I've always been correct.
Don't get cocky, 30-year-old Dr. Mott,
with 46 years of school under his belt.
Excuse me for getting an MD
and starting a successful practice.
Excuse me. I found a way to make 12
grand a month without having an MD.
Really? How do you do that?
You running immigrants
over the border again, coyote?
Those guys fell asleep in my truck.
I thought I'd just gotten shitfaced
and bought a bunch of sombreros.
I didn't know there were dudes
For real, though?
Selling Harleys.
It's the greatest gig on the planet.
Congrats. I'm happy for you.
Seriously, though,
you guys both sound
- Like you're doing great.
- Aren't you?
I just don't know if I'm cut out for
the whole family-wife-kids thing.
I would kill to have a woman at home
willing to have sex with me every night.
At work, I just sit in my office
and I think,
"There's gotta be something better
out there. " You know what I mean?
- I thought you liked your job.
- I like to surf.
Sitting out in the water.
Waiting for that perfect wave.
And I also like being out here.
I like this, right now.
The first time in months,
no worries, no responsibilities.
Just living in the moment.
Just like Billy did.
Here's to Billy.
- To our dead friend.
- Get them up.
Dano, whatever happened between
you and Cockeyed Katie, anyway?
You know, I don't appreciate the
name-calling. Katie was very attractive.
It was a mutual separation.
Yeah, between her eyes.
That girl had not one,
but two wandering eyes.