I just don't know if I'm cut out for
the whole family-wife-kids thing.
I would kill to have a woman at home
willing to have sex with me every night.
At work, I just sit in my office
and I think,
"There's gotta be something better
out there. " You know what I mean?
- I thought you liked your job.
- I like to surf.
Sitting out in the water.
Waiting for that perfect wave.
And I also like being out here.
I like this, right now.
The first time in months,
no worries, no responsibilities.
Just living in the moment.
Just like Billy did.
Here's to Billy.
- To our dead friend.
- Get them up.
Dano, whatever happened between
you and Cockeyed Katie, anyway?
You know, I don't appreciate the
name-calling. Katie was very attractive.
It was a mutual separation.
Yeah, between her eyes.
That girl had not one,
but two wandering eyes.
It was like her eyes were trying
to escape from her head.
You know, Tom, I'm sorry she wasn't
up to your high standard of women.
No tattoos below the waist,
never worked as a carny.
Name one girlfriend of mine
who worked as a carny.
Jo Jo, the one who had
her downstairs pierced.
Oh, Jo Jo. That's one.
How do you know what she did
with her downstairs?
She had that website:
- JoJosDownstairs. Com.
- That was a good one.
Hey, Dano, let's see what
you packed us for dinner.
- What is this, astronaut food?
- No. It's a vitamin gel pack.
It tastes like watermelon. It's very filling
and it preserves well for camping.
I'm not an astronaut.
I'm an American.
And there's fresh salmon
in that river for the taking.
I'm eating salmon tonight.
That's great, except
we didn't bring any fishing gear.
Don't need any.
- We'll shine them.
- That would kill a fish.
Shine the fish, old Cherokee trick.
I forgot the Cherokee had been using
the flashlight for thousands of years.
No, didn't they pioneer the D battery?
All right, suckers.