Rocks! Rocks! Keep rowing!
I'm not having the fun
you promised me!
Just keep rowing!
- Follow my lead!
- Terrible!
Same stroke, same stroke!
- Tom?
- Yes?
- It's getting big.
- No problem.
Like, real big.
- I'm in over my head!
- What?!
- Don't tell me that!
- I'm in over my head!
Please don't tell me that!
Forward! No, backstroke,
Come on...!
Jerry! Help!
- Dan! I'm coming!
- Can you see me?
- Dan!
- Jerry!
- Dano!
- Throw it! Jer!
Catch the rope!
I got you!
- Dan, come on, baby, I got you.
- Hypothermia!
- I'm gonna get hypothermia!
- Come on!
You all right? Hold on.
- Tom! Tommy!
- Tom!
In here, boys!
We made it!
That's how you go down the rapids!
- Better get in.
- Get up.
- I about shit. Did you about shit?
- I about shit.
- I did shit.
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, shit? What "oh, shit"?
- What? What, what?
- Oh, shit!
- Oh, shit!