Wow. Monkey feet.
Yeah. It's like a second pair of hands.
Hello? Anyone out there?
My name's Jerry Conlaine,
and my two friends and I
are lost in the woods. Hello?
- You gotta say "Over. "
- Over.
I read you, son.
This is Breaker Station 22.
- What is your position? Over.
- See? He said, "Over. "
We are two miles east
of Harold's Bluff
in a giant redwood
called Earth Child. Over.
In a tree. We'll find you. We will
give assistance and whatnot.
Peace. Over.
You just sit tight.
We're coming to get you.
Over and out!
So we ran out of food in Borneo,
so we just ended up
eating our mosquito netting.
Just salted it up, and it was good.
It was really good.
Oh, you messy thing. Let me get that.
Thank you.
Well, there's plenty more
grubs here, Condor.
Oh, no, I couldn't.
That bark shot right through me.
I need to visit the little trees' room.
Where do you guys do the do?
Top side of the tree.
Got a real kick to it.
Bag it when you're done.
Put it in the basket up top.
If you bring it in, you take it out.
Okay, will do.
Do you have any paper?
Oh, great. You know,
I think I'm gonna wait
until we get to the ranger station.
Someone's here, someone's here.
- Good afternoon, ladies.
- Nice-looking tree.
End of the line, boys.
Come on down.
- They're gonna kill Earth Child.
- No!
No, they're not gonna kill
Earth Child. They're after us.
We gotta get down and we gotta
make a run for it, all right?
- No!
- No!
Go to it, Elwood.
We're gonna die up here
in this stupid tree.
You know, Condor, even if your bodily
death is extraordinarily painful,
- Your soul will live on.
- Everything happens for a reason.