The network headed by Anthony Zimmer
laundered huge sums of money.
perfectly legally.
He used various methods.
The most brilliant wasthe phony lawsuit.
Phony lawsuit?
Imagine you have 15 milionin dirty money frozen
in a tax heaven like Bermuda.
Zimmer's phony lawsuit gets it back
into France entirely legally.
Good afternoon.What would you like?
No, I'm waiting for someone.
You just need two companies.
The first in Bermuda,the second in France.
Your French company
files a suit againstthe Bermuda company.
It claims it hasn't delivereda major order,
like tissues for example.
To resolve their "differences",
the companies goto an international tribunal.
The Bermuda company is found guilty,
and the French companyreceives sizeable damages.
The money goes outof one pocket and into another.
But now it's legal.
The man is briliant.
He's a criminal who makesa fortune smuggling drugs.
What do you consider a fortune?
Tens of milions of euros.