Bad News Bears

Mr. Buttermaker.
What do you say, Whitewood?
What are doing here?
Listen, kid. I...
There's something...
...that you need to do,
and that's oil your mitt all the time.

So I came by to check
and make sure you oil your mitt.

Oh, yeah, I'm always watching.
Okay, I'll go get it.
- Be right back.
- Good deal.

Look at you.
- Gorgeous.
- I don't know, it's a little...

Looking good.
- Hey.
- What, you joined the circus?

- Tanner!
- Where's the toilet?

I gotta pinch a mean one.
Engelberg! These are my friends!
It all right, sweetie. I got a little
butterball just like him at home.

Down the hall
and to the left, fatty.

What are you jerk-offs doing here?
The Giants beat the White Sox.
If we beat the Giants,
we're in the championship.

- Really?
- Yeah, we're celebrating.

So take off the hooker suit,
let's go.

Come on.
I don't have to tell you
who we play for the pennant

when we blow past
these Giants today.

Right now, we're the hottest team
in the league.

What does that mean
for the Giants?

Bad news for the Giants!
- Here we go. One, two, three!
- Break!

Hey, Kelly, hang on.
Listen, I want you to be like
a vacuum cleaner out there today.

Anything even close to you,
you suck it up.

These boys are weak.
I don't want to blow it.

We're knocking on the door,
understand? Come on, let's go!

All right, guys, let's go.
