I sign bands, I produce their albums,
I sell the distribution to the majors.
- Now you wanna make movies?
- Yeah! Who doesn't?
All right, can you pitch it
in 25 words or less?
I can do it in one word... Me!
- You?
- Me! Hello! Me!
I couldn't get your mother
to watch that movie.
My life in the music business.
Come on! Gangsta rappers,
the Russian mafia, you know?
All that goddamn payola crap.
This place is
like the wild, wild west, man.
You're dodgin' the bullets,
you're taking the arrows.
And it's got a girl.
There always is.
Her name's Linda Moon.
She plays a girl who wants to
make it big in the biz,
and I am the record mogul
who makes it happen.
Anyway, it's a musical,
and Linda's been trying to get me
on the two-way ever since,
you know, she saw you
on Charlie Rose.
Where you were very smooth,
and found out that I knew you.
I said you would help her out,
and she left you on the list
at the Viper Room
expecting you to show up.
So, Tommy, how's your wife?
- Edie?
- Yeah.
Who gives a shit?
Don't be a buzzkill.
Where are you goin'?
I gotta go to the men's.
I just had two iced teas.
But how about... Hey, Chili,
how does the movie sound?
Well, you don't have a movie yet.
You've got a premise and a setting,
but you don't have character arcs or a plot.
Okay, but still. You know.
Hey, who's gonna play me?
Think about that.
How about Carrot Top?
Do svidaniya.