Don't worry, Samantha. I won't do it.
Witch's honor.
My darling, we are quicksilver.
We're a fleeting shadow.
We're a distant sound.
- That's your mother?
- We live on the wind...
...in the sparkle of a star.
And you want to trade all that
for an acre of crabgrass?
Did she just call me
an acre of crabgrass?
Deal with it, Derwood.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you!
I want a piece of the show. Why?
Because I put this thing together,
that's why.
Because Jack Wyatt doesn't
parallel park without checking with me.
Let me call you back. J-Bone!
You're crushing it, baby.
Absolutely crushing it.
- I think we got something.
- It's exciting.
- How's Isabel doing?
- She's perfect.
She looks hot and she lets you score
like a madman.
I know. She's great.
I can't believe you found her.
You think she's gonna notice?
What? That she doesn't have a part?
Not a chance. She's clueless.
Plus, I think she's got
a little thing for you.
It's freaking pathetic.
- You think so?
- Yes.
Man, that would be...
Such a nightmare. I know.
Can you imagine?
Although, she does have kind of
a cute little back end on her.
I wouldn't kick her out of bed
for eating a box of crackers.
- Did she hear us?
- Not a chance.
A couple of changes to the script.
It was running a little long,
so we cut your lines.
Think of it this way,
it's less to memorize.