we thank y0u l0rd
f0r the f00d 0n this plate...
f0r the air we breathe.
S0 pure and clear.
F0r g00d health and peace.
F0r beauty and l0ve.
Please d0n't make
a hasty decisi0n
paul I kn0w that his way
0f teaching is eccentric...
he's rude, he's arr0gant,
and he's an alc0h0lic.
He's n0t fit t0 be a teacher.
But, y0u didn't see
what he did t0day...
michelle actually ate t0day with...
- what d0 y0u want cathy?
Get insulted in my 0wn h0use?
N0.- then he's g0t t0 g0.
I h0pe y0u understand.
The w00ds are l0vely...
dark and deep
but I have pr0mises t0 keep...
- mr. Sahai...
and miles t0 g0 bef0re I can
find the damn envel0pe. Ah, yes!
I need t0 talk t0 y0u, mr. Sahai.
Are y0u busy?
N0. N0t at all. I was just writing
t0 my friend, ab0ut michelle.
She has learnt her first less0n
t0day... etiquette, behavi0r.
That y0u d0 n0t p0ssess.
Anyway I'll skip the pleasantries.
I want y0u t0 leave this h0use.
I will n0t leave with0ut
c0mpleting my j0b.
I've 0nly just started.
Still a l0ng way t0 g0. y 0u kn0w.
I d0n't like the way y0u teach.
And I d0n't like y0ur interference.
This is y0ur train ticket... cheque.
And y0ur terminati0n letter.
We d0n't need y0u anym0re.
Y 0u're taking the first train t0m0rr0w.
And michelle takes the next
t0 the mental asylum?