but I have pr0mises t0 keep...
- mr. Sahai...
and miles t0 g0 bef0re I can
find the damn envel0pe. Ah, yes!
I need t0 talk t0 y0u, mr. Sahai.
Are y0u busy?
N0. N0t at all. I was just writing
t0 my friend, ab0ut michelle.
She has learnt her first less0n
t0day... etiquette, behavi0r.
That y0u d0 n0t p0ssess.
Anyway I'll skip the pleasantries.
I want y0u t0 leave this h0use.
I will n0t leave with0ut
c0mpleting my j0b.
I've 0nly just started.
Still a l0ng way t0 g0. y 0u kn0w.
I d0n't like the way y0u teach.
And I d0n't like y0ur interference.
This is y0ur train ticket... cheque.
And y0ur terminati0n letter.
We d0n't need y0u anym0re.
Y 0u're taking the first train t0m0rr0w.
And michelle takes the next
t0 the mental asylum?
N0w she's deaf blind and als0
mentally retarded.
My daughter... is my resp0nsibility.
And mine t00, mr. McNally.
Y 0u d0 understand that this will...
destr0y her c0mpletely.
Train will leave exactly at seven.
And please... put this back
where it bel0ngs.
Mr. Sahai must have left by n0w.
We'll talk ab0ut michelle
after I return.
What is happening in this h0use?
Mrs. G0mes!