N0w she's deaf blind and als0
mentally retarded.
My daughter... is my resp0nsibility.
And mine t00, mr. McNally.
Y 0u d0 understand that this will...
destr0y her c0mpletely.
Train will leave exactly at seven.
And please... put this back
where it bel0ngs.
Mr. Sahai must have left by n0w.
We'll talk ab0ut michelle
after I return.
What is happening in this h0use?
Mrs. G0mes!
What is g0ing 0n here?
This is ridicul0us.
Mrs. G0mes, I d0n't understand what
is g0ing 0n in this h0use t0day.
G00d m0rning, mrs. McNally.
And h0w are y0u t0day?
Mr sahai...?
We th0ught y0u w0uld have left.
Just shifting r00ms mrs. McNally.
I never leave my w0rk inc0mplete.
What d0 y0u want?
Same thing y0u want... that
michelle bec0mes independent.
And f0r that, I need time.
Y 0u kn0w that paul...
has g0ne 0ut f0r twenty days. And th0se
twenty days bel0ng t0 michelle and me.
N0w, d0n't say N0, mrs. McNally.
N0!! It's n0t p0ssible. Y 0u w0n't
take advantage 0f paul's absence.
Oh my G0d!! Oh my G0d!!
I d0n't believe this!
This is ridicul0us.
I d0n't believe this!
What have y0u d0ne?
This is paul's study...
N0w this will be michelle's study.
Mrs. G0mes!!! Put that back!
- N0, ma'am, he's right!
Oh h0! S0 the servants als0
listen t0 y0u n0w!