Wh0 are y0u t0 take 0ver my h0use?
Michelle's teacher.
Were... were mr. Sahai,
n0t anym0re.
I am y0ur last h0pe.
If I leave t0day
then after a few days...
michelle will reach the asylum.
Mr sahai... mr sahai!
Y es?
As l0ng as I live, my daughter
will never enter the asylum.
D0 y0u understand?
My m0ther always...
said the same thing.
That as l0ng as I live...
my daughter will never leave me.
But 0ne day, she herself...
dragged her t0 the asylum.
And she g0t l0st behind
the asylum's ir0n d00rs.
Michelle is deaf and
blind, mrs mcNally!
She is n0t mentally retarded!
She need t0 rec0gnize w0rds...
every thing that she t0uches,
that she eats...
has a name; which has a meaning.
I will teach her t0 speak...