dragged her t0 the asylum.
And she g0t l0st behind
the asylum's ir0n d00rs.
Michelle is deaf and
blind, mrs mcNally!
She is n0t mentally retarded!
She need t0 rec0gnize w0rds...
every thing that she t0uches,
that she eats...
has a name; which has a meaning.
I will teach her t0 speak...
thr0ugh signs.
Till she is secure in her h0use,
this can't happen.
That's why!
I will have t0 change
this part 0f the h0use.
Everything sh0uld be new f0r her.
N0 papers, n0 b00ks...
only empty walls.
I'll even change
the smell 0f this r00m.
Sec0ndly, 0nly I will have
a right 0ver michelle.
She will rely 0nly 0n me!
Third thing, n00ne including y0u
will be all0wed here.
N0, n0 n0... d0n't shake y0ur head!
L00k at me... l00k!
It's difficult but it will
have t0 be d0ne f0r michelle.
F0urth thing, all I want is
time and trust.
N0 salary, n0 all0wances,
n0thing and...
n0 alc0h0I
and the fifth thing...