Eyes are n0t imp0rtant
as c0mpared t0 light.
I have learnt this,
while teaching michelle.
In darkness, even eyes are 0f n0 use.
The first r0und was a kn0ck 0ut.
But the next r0und will be mine.
G00d luck t0 y0u, mr. Sahai.
G00d luck.
C0me al0ng, yes,
c0me al0ng... here!
This is water. N0, n0...
d0n't be afraid. D0n't be afraid.
Mr. Sahai... - y es?
Michelle is scared 0f water.
And I want t0 take this
fear 0ut 0f her mind.
In five days, she will be swimming.
R0und tw0 has begun.
Hey! Where are y0u g0ing?
C0me here.
Where are y0u g0ing?
C0me back...
careful, careful.
Careful n0w. Watch it! Watch it!
Watch 0ut!
I t0ld y0u t0 be careful.
Calm d0wn. Calm d0wn, calm d0wn.
This is a th0rn.
Balm, balm.
T0 s00the the pain.
Y 0ur first handshake, mr. Sahai.
Y es, we're friends n0w.
And... my first flying kiss.